in leeuwarden

Since Wetsus is located in Leeuwarden, your student life will continue in this beautiful city! On this page you can find useful and fun information about living in Leeuwarden, including housing information, events, and past student experiences.

Leeuwarden is located in the north of the Netherlands in the province of Friesland (in Dutch) or Fryslân (in Frisian). Home to many historic buildings, canals, and art works, the town has something to offer for anyone. It is not without reason, that Ljouert (as the Frisian call it) was the cultural capital of Europe in 2018.

Get an impression of the city in this video, or check out this site.


European Capital of Culture 2018

The Netherlands, Leeuwarden & Fun!


There are a few official holidays here in the Netherlands. People get off from work and fun festivities are usually organised all around the country (also in Leeuwarden!). Some of these holidays stem from historic and religious events, and on religious days people still attend religious (usually Christian) ceremonies. However, the majority of the country just enjoys a nice day off.

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